I’ve been quite busy the last few weeks.
I’ve been searching for a new job (last day tomorrow) as my contract is not been renewed, and the company is restructuring to reduce costs. Been a great adventure, I’ve learnt a lot, and worked with a group of great people.
This is also the last week of our tenancy in our current house. Michaela has been spare heading the effort to find a new house to rent, on the south side of Christchurch. A mission in it’s self. But we have just sorted out a sort term lease, so we will not be crashing on her (or my) parents.
I’ve been playing underwater hockey twice a week. Broke my glove, then broke my stick on Thursday while trialling a new glove, so more $$ to spend on hockey.
In the gaps I’ve been studying for some Microsoft exams, as I want make some progress on my career. Been learning lots of interesting tit-bits, and finding the how-to sections of MSDN really helpful.
So lots happening, and just not the time to sit down and make note of it. That am I’m not sure the worthiness of each of these in part.
I notice Frank Arrigo has automated the Oz DNUG OPML list, and included the NZ DNUG OPML, so hello to anybody that’s subscribed, and seen nothing new.
I’ve read/watch/listened to some good posts recently that include :
Casey Muratori’s video on Quaternion double-cover and the rest-pose neighborhood - This was a thread I had read the follow-up talk, but not watched the video. Very worthwhile if you interested in bones based animation.
Scott Guthrie’s post on Awesome ASP.NET 2.0 RSS Tool-Kit Released - Not an ASP.Net junkie at all, but still interesting insight to processing RSS feeds.
Scott Hanselman’s post on Answering Questions (and putting your gamercard on your desktop) - Not that I have an Xbox 360, or will be buying one in the near future. But I can dream yeah?
Kathy Sierra’s post on Mediocrity by “areas of improvement” - I found this good fodder for my “how to run a company” monolog that runs through my head now and then.
Marc Brooks’s post on Commonly Used .NET Coding Patterns in CodeDom - The Code Project - C# Programming - quickly read though Omer’s collection and if seems great resource. Plus it’s great tit-bits for my assembly-to-C# project.
Somewhere in there some reported on a VB.Net-to-C# web service. I had some code that didn’t convert correctly, but I didn’t investigate this too far.