End of year

And so we get to the end of the year.  It has been quite a good year personally,

Blog-wise: 92 posts, 133 comments, 18K visits from 141 countries.

Top five viewed pages in 2008:

  1. wpf making a expander look like a groupbox
  2. remote connection to oracle 10g express via odbc
  3. blog
  4. category: curse of the azure bonds
  5. curse of the azure bonds code wheel copy protection

All of which were 2007 posts, so here are the top five viewed pages from 2008:

  1. casio ctk-800 and macbook
  2. slow dns on macbook
  3. how to build a wireshark plug-in
  4. reverse-and-add 110502 in erlang
  5. oracles lag in ms sql server 2005

Only a few minutes left of today, this month and year, so I’ll post now, and go to bed.  See you next year!