A Sequal to SQL - perhaps not Malloy

So I was reading Hacker News today and came across a article A sequel to SQL? An intro to Malloy, in which a near the top comment was

Try writing this SQL. Malloy writes SQL you can’t (I’m pretty sure of it).

and at the time, there was no SQL responces written.. so as I read the Twitter thread, at no point was my brain like “this is too hard in SQL” and was rather dulled when I got to the auto-generated SQL,

Too complex to write SQL
Too complex to write SQL
with d1 as (
        ,sum(number) as births
    from test.public.use_1910_current
    where year > 1990
    group by 1,2
), name_pop as (
        ,round((births*sum(births)over())/(sum(births)over(partition by state)*sum(births)over(partition by name)),3) as popularity_ratio
    from d1
    qualify births > 1000
), top_ten as (
    select *, name||'('||popularity_ratio||')' as formatted 
    from name_pop
    qualify row_number() over (partition by state order by popularity_ratio desc) <= 10
select state
    ,listagg(formatted, ', ') within group(order by popularity_ratio desc) as by_name_list_detail
from top_ten
group by 1
order by 1 limit 6;
AK James(1.727), Robert(1.627), Logan(1.611), Hannah(1.551), Samuel(1.541), Tyler(1.518), Benjamin(1.484), John(1.466), Ethan(1.453), William(1.443)
AL Brantley(3.458), Braxton(3.185), Mary(3.060), Raven(2.734), Chandler(2.621), Allie(2.601), Ryleigh(2.573), Kameron(2.554), Jaylen(2.352), Whitney(2.336)
AR Braxton(3.054), Dalton(2.850), Bentley(2.725), Hayden(2.430), Dakota(2.375), Clayton(2.355), Dustin(2.324), Brooklyn(2.137), Shelby(2.089), Payton(2.066)
AZ Notnamed(47.491), Ramon(3.489), Tatum(3.408), Jesus(3.397), Francisco(3.145), Ernesto(2.970), Manuel(2.911), Adriel(2.852), Ruben(2.605), Ximena(2.598)
CA Azucena(4.215), Xitlali(4.180), Joseluis(4.052), Xochitl(4.045), Miguelangel(3.894), Jocelyne(3.850), Lupita(3.839), Viridiana(3.791), Juancarlos(3.738), Arman(3.717)
CO Aspen(5.148), Angelo(2.248), Quinn(1.879), Ezekiel(1.837), Rowan(1.833), Dillon(1.817), Everett(1.797), Emerson(1.752), Elias(1.688), Tanner(1.681)

Anyways getting the data file from the github Malloy project

Loading parquet data files into Snowflake via the legacy WebUI

Making a new table with the data pulled from the variant column:

create or replace table test.public.use_1910_current as
        raw:state::text as state
        ,raw:name::text as name
        ,raw:number::int as number
        ,raw:year::int as year
    from test.public.name_data;

At some point doing fixed point math of integers runs into the default 6dp default for division in Snowflake, thus you should rewrite the fraction of fractions as is reciprocal and multiplied form because 106.250 is not 98.857, and even if you do swap to doubles, you should always multiply verse divide first as you get better numerical stability:

    column1 as a,
    column2 as b, 
    column3 as c,
    column4 as d, 
    round((a/b)/(c/d),3) as r1,
    round((a/b)*(d/c),3) as r2,
    round((a*d)/(b*c),3) as r3
from values
A B C D R1 R2 R3
1 2 3 4 0.667 0.667 0.667
1108 2606253 1375 319731698 106.250 98.826 98.857

So transcribing the generated SQL into working Snowflake SQL:

with __stage0 as (
        iff(group_set=3, coalesce(sum(names.number),0), null) as a,
        max( iff(group_set=1, coalesce(sum(names.number),0), null) ) over (partition by __lateral_join_bag.state__3) as b,
        max( iff(group_set=2, coalesce(sum(names.number),0), null) ) over (partition by __lateral_join_bag.name__3) as c,
        max( iff(group_set=0, coalesce(sum(names.number),0), null) ) over() as d,
        (a/b) / (c/d) as popularity_ratio__3
    from test.public.use_1910_current as names
    cross join (
            row_number() over(order by null) -1 as group_set 
        from table(generator(ROWCOUNT =>4))
        //select column1 as group_set from values (0),(1),(2),(3)
    ) as x
    ,lateral  (
            case when x.group_set in(3,2) then names.name end as name__3,
            case when group_set in(3,1) then names.state end as state__3
    ) as __lateral_join_bag
    where names.year>1990
    group by 1,2,3
    having (group_set<>3 or (group_set=3 and (case when group_set=3 then coalesce(sum(names.number),0)end)>1000))
,__stage1 as (
    select name__3 as name,
        state__3 as state,
        round(any_value(case when group_set=3 then popularity_ratio__3 end),3) as popularity_ratio
    from __stage0
    where group_set not in (0,1,2)
    group by 1,2
    qualify row_number() over(partition by state order by popularity_ratio desc) <= 10
    order by 3 desc
,__stage2 as (
    select group_set,
        case when group_set in (0,1) then
        end as state__0,
        case when group_set=1 then
        end as name__1,
        case when group_set=1 then
        end as popularity_ratio__1
    from __stage1 as base
    cross join(select 
            row_number() over(order by null) -1 as group_set 
        from table(generator(ROWCOUNT =>2))) as x
    group by 1,2,3,4
    state__0 as state,
    listagg(case when group_set=1 then name__1||'('||popularity_ratio__1||')' end, ', ') within group (order by popularity_ratio__1 desc) as by_name_list_detail
from __stage2
group by 1
order by 1 asc;

There are some things that should be changed about this code, the order by 3 desc in __stage1 is a obvious waste of processing. But once you look at that, you notice __stage2 is joining to itself twice and then in the final select only taking one of those sets of results.

so the latter half of the code can be written:

,__stage1 as (
    select name__3 as name,
        state__3 as state,
        round(any_value(case when group_set=3 then popularity_ratio__3 end),3) as popularity_ratio
    from __stage0
    where group_set not in (0,1,2)
    group by 1,2
    qualify row_number() over(partition by state order by popularity_ratio desc) <= 10
    --order by 3 desc
    listagg(name||'('||popularity_ratio||')', ', ') within group (order by popularity_ratio desc) as by_name_list_detail
from __stage1
group by 1
order by 1 asc;

[July 2023]
10 months later, there was more to this post, but time has moved on… so this appears to just be old ramblings.. nothing new perhaps. Anyways many people rewrote the SQL nicely on HackerNews, so that is nice to see.