IMGUI Design

I’ve been reading Book of Hook for a while now, and a few weeks ago on the Game Development forum he posted a link to his friends site Molly Rocket where Casey had a cool video of his immediate mode graphical user interface. Having been spending the last few weeks bashing me head against gotcha’s in RMGUI’s (.Net Winforms) I could see the value in building UI’s this way. Not for apps like we have here at work, but for real-time stuff it makes a lot of sense. So anyway, it helped me by putting some names to idea’s that were in my head, and describe different ways of doing stuff. It also allowed to see area’s where our current code could have issues, due to the nature of the UI model.

All-in-all very much the classic way stuff was done in the old days before windows, but cool to pull it back off the self to see where it’s still applicable to modem development.