Oh my god, the people further up the ladder have after a year and a half decided what our new database/reporting tools will be named.
The tools came from another company (X) that is now owned by our parent (Y) so they were called:
X 2DB, X DB Configurator, X DB Editor, X DB Reports
because they loaded data into the DB, configured the normalised data, edited the loaded data, and reported on the data.
When one and a half years ago we merged with these tools, both parties rebranded them:
Y 2DB, Y DB Configurator, Y DB Editor, Y DB Reports
But now we have a directive from on high to call them:
Y 2DB, Y Configurator, Y Editor, Y Reports
They didn’t rename the data loader, either because Y 2 is too stupid, or more likely they didn’t know what a “2DB” was, so left it alone. The next problem is we have had another Configuration program in the pipeline for the last year, to configure machines, which we were going to call Y Machine Configurator. Will they also want to remove the Machine from that name, as it also adds to much descriptive value?
arggg it drives me batty the crap that others do in the name of “adding value”