2009 a Year in Review

The year the Foo Fighters released a Tom Petty quality song (Wheels).

James Cameron released a very hyped computer generated ‘blue version’ of Dances with Wolves.

People continued to claim RSS/Blogging was dead, and Twitter was the new king. With all of the wonder of limited capacity but with an instant and continuous stream of dribble. Proving tech people are no better than the CNN watching masses. And we wonder why the newspapers are dying…

And the year I spent weeks filling in US governmental forms that were unnecessarily complex. Texts fields to small for requested information, pdf forms that don’t allow you to save, and helpful blobs of text wasting form space, but telling you how much time it should take to fill the form out, which due to the previous problems means you have to do it in one sitting, thus have all your answers pre-found, thus you do the form twice to find the things you didn’t know. Making a mockery of the stupid Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980. It’s not like when you did things by hand with a pen, you couldn’t just put the pen down (save) and resume later…

Roll on 2010.