Getting into Git

With the pending move to the US, I need someway to work detached from the main NZ network. So I was keen to try-out Mercurial or Git. I had heard more positive Mercurial stories, verse the real men use Git type stories. So had intended to go with Mercurial.

But our local linux/git hacker was appalled and spent some time showing me how well git and svn can co-exist.

So I started playing with Git, trying to clone my subversion repository, but was not having the best of luck, due to how the repository was formed when I moved and merged two VSS repositories.

Anyway showing James (yes he has a name) my odd clone behaviours, got him intrigued. Half an hour later he was back, telling me all about how the SVN repository history was all messed-up (aka Trunk was not always there, etc). Then offered to work some Git vodoo and fix it all for me.

A day later, he excitedly told me how he manually extracted the blocks of history, and using Git filters, that allow per entry rewrites (or paths) was rebuilding my Trunk and Branches into git, so they looked like they were always located like how the SVN tree currently is.

So it sounds like Git is quite powerful. Sounds like the type of stuff that would make great blog fodder. But I’ve not done any of it myself, so I can’t tell you how todo it, other than it can be done. The tools seem to have lots of flexibility, and when things go wrong, James will have to drop everything and fix it.

See I am becoming more manager like as the days roll by…

Also to make-up for steeling my blog post, he invited me to Google Wave.


Stu 2009-11-01 14:56:55

I love git, I moved from svn to bzr to git. I’ll never go back. I had messed up repo’s too and I really wonder how it all worked in the end but I converted to bzr then to git with tailor.

Simeon 2009-11-01 16:10:21

Well as it’s a work repository, it will most likely stay svn for a while, or until I can encourage the team to migrate. But using git to access the repository will allow me to to fast blames, and review the teams changes, and allow merging of external development code, much more easily, while not changing the rest of the team experience.

joN. 2009-11-02 09:32:27

hey simeon. i know we rarely speak and i haven’t updated blogging forgotten realms in a good while, but welcome to the united states and if you happen to have a spare google wave invite i’d love to beg for it.

Simeon 2009-11-02 09:46:02

Well, I currently don’t have any invites, but I’d add you to the list, after just after Conor.