Why you lose at bridge

I have recently taken-up studying bridge, and picked up Why you lose at bridge at a second-hand book sale for $1.

My first running joke was “I lose because I don’t play”, but jokes aside, it was a great read, even 63 years after it being published.

The book is aimed at experienced players, offering insight to common mistakes in bidding and game play.  It was interesting jumping ahead of myself, as  I have only read a beginners guide a couple of times, and the subtlety of the bidding signals seemed over the top, but after reading how the hand is played out, and how the inferences are used to guide play, I’ve become motivated to learn correct bidding.  Bridge feels very similar to Preference or 500, just with a mind boggling large set of signaling bids and plays.

Much learning ahead, but I’m excited…


Stu 2009-01-31 04:22:12

I’m not a bridge player but I loooove me some canasta

Simeon 2009-01-31 11:09:09

I’ve never played Canasta, reading Wikipedia it sounds complex enough to be fun.