Firefox spell checking has demoted Word

I was just posting a comment on my blog via IE, and realized that I didn’t trust my spelling. In fact where was the red line!

So I went to the start menu (Window XP machine) and didn’t see Word icon in the quick select list. It’s always been there before. But it’s been demoted to some sub level menu. Firefox is the reason, ever since they added in-line spell checking I have had no reason to cut’n’paste to Word to check all my spelling. Nor do I use Gmail’s spell checker any more.

So because I couldn’t see Word quickly, I went to my open Gmail thread and just pasted into the reply box of the current thread, to get the Firefox checker, then cut the corrected sentence, and discarded the reply.

Moral, use Firefox to look at your blog, so commenting is easier!

p.s. It even seems backwards that LiveWriter doesn’t do as you type spell checking. It’s like using Word Prefect 5.1 again (ie a great program, just retro).