A Whip around Workflow Foundation

Chris Auld gave the Christchurch .Net user group a presentation on Windows Workflow Foundation today.

The highlight for me was the Rule Engine demo. As at work we are about to built a configuration tool, with the configuration elements defined in XML, but what I hadn’t solved was how to manage the dependency rules, and relations between elements. Ta-da problem solved.

The plan is to build at runtime a class that has properties per element, like enabled, mandatory. Then the rules XML can be loaded, and as elements are set, the related elements can be disable, or flagged as mandatory. Then the UI can be data bound to the dynamic property object, for displaying the changed state.

Oh, I’m just so excited. Now I have to download and prototype that general case and see how it goes. All up, I’m very excited!

Chris mentioned the wf.netfx3.com site, and the Rules Engine demo’s can be found on this page