I recently purchased the Rebecca & Fiona - Luminary Ones (Nause Remix) off iTunes Store as I really like the song, and that mix in particular. The song is a 7m 47s DJ friendly mix, thus has 2 minutes of intro and 2 minutes of outro, that are honestly boring.
So I have been day dreaming of making a new cut of the track with those minutes trimmed, so I jumped into iTunes to see the file type to work out what needs to be done to trim the song, and just for the laughs I look at the Options tab of the track, and low and behold, a ‘Start Time’ and ‘Stop Time’.

And the settings worked on my PC, so I synced my iPhone, and they work there also. Sorted!
Now I would like a fade out option, as the ending is abrupt, but there is not a nice breakdown to end on, and maybe I will trim the song externally, but 95% of my problem is solved, so most likely I won’t.