Wow, since doing the easy work of decrypting the newer Nikon firmware, I’ve felt an immense pressure to pull another rabbit from the hat, when in reality the last reversing engineering project I worked on took years (2-5), and thus I feeling real burnt out. a) due to trying to find the next “cool” insight, and 2) wanting to be part of the action, and keep up with others are finding. (the index scheme is an insiders joke)
To this end, I point would-be-helpers to, I’ve been contributing there, as best I can.
It’s very addictive having such large inflows of traffic to your site/blog, that I was reluctant to redirect it, but I have also felt since November a presure not to post stupid stuff like I used too, or am about to post, thus have been silent (besides the travel and working on things that are not up for chatter).
So there’s my Nikon update…. I have been having a good family holiday..