Today I was helping Michaela with formatting her assignment and she had left and right justified text in her header.

On some pages the right justified text was not correctly aligning on the right edge, so I inserted a Text Box into the header, made it’s alignment right with text flow, and then made the text in the Text Box right justified. The numbers are the ‘Page Number’ and ‘Page Count’ Auto Text

And this looked good until I looked down in the double digits pages, were you see:

It you copy the Text Box into the page body it does not have this problem. If you copy’n’paste the Text Box over it’s self it correctly draws, but if you change any text alignment settings, or save/load the document that ‘flow’ error returns.

The problem only occurs for the Text Box text in the header/footer, not the same text values placed into the header/footer normally.
I think the problem occurs, because the Text Box is only flowed for the first Header as the later text all uses the space for the first ‘Page Number’ value which is a ‘1’. If you put a section break on a page, then on the next page, turn off the ‘use previous headers & footers’ option, but have the same formatting the Page Number (21 for my example) is correctly spaced: