Groan, my 30 day trial of Lightroom 3 is over. The big problem is that I really like it, so I was really gutted that the other day when Newegg had it for $120 and I couldn’t buy it from them. I could see it as in-stock and add to cart, but when you continued to checkout it was removed from the cart. ARGGG!
So now best deal on Amazon is $200. There are couple ‘0 customers’ shops selling it for $150, but those sound a bit dodgy.
Also not sure how well the work flow will work for Michaela, and then there’s the importing the last n-years of iPhoto so it’s all in the same place.
I was thinking about using Aperture, especially as its priced so well. But I also really enjoyed the lens correction feature of Lightroom, twisting pictures to look ‘correct’ is really neat.