Then a blow to my excitement, the release date slipped, now I was expecting a October 12 - October 18 delivery time. Ok, that’s fine, I’m still excited…
Today another blow, release date slipped again, now I get to wait till November 08 - November 15 for delivery, really not sure I care any more.
The value of spontaneous purchases should be realised before the guilt’s kick in. Evil pre-orders.
And the problem plaguing my mind is, most of the purchase was done with a voucher, that I’m not sure I have any more because I brought something…, so if I cancel my order do I lose my voucher money? How does that get refunded?
p.s. Wow, this book seems to be all over the file sharing networks.
updated 1 Nov: Delayed again, Estimated arrival date: December 09 2010 - December 15 2010, sigh!
update 22 Nov: It has been shipped, should get by 30th November!
update 30 Nov: It arrived today! Front cover is bent :( but the book has been an enjoyable read so far :)