The Trip - 110103 in Erlang

The third of my Programming Challenges solutions is for The Trip 110103

This problem is great for making you think.  Key points are; you cannot have half cents, and you have to find the minimum money needed to balance costs to within one cent.

Here is my solution in Erlang:

-export([thetrip/1, test/0]).

average([H|T], Sum, Len) ->
  average(T, Sum+H, Len+1);
average([], Sum, Len) ->
  [Sum div Len , (Sum rem Len) > 0].

diff([H|T], Sum, Avg, Odd) when H > Avg, Odd ->
  diff(T, Sum + H - Avg - 1, Avg, Odd);
diff([H|T], Sum, Avg, Odd) when H > Avg ->
  diff(T, Sum + H - Avg, Avg, Odd);
diff([_|T], Sum, Avg, Odd) ->
  diff(T, Sum, Avg, Odd);
diff([], Sum, _, _ ) ->

thetrip(List) ->
  Scaledup = [ trunc( X * 100 ) || X <- List],
  [Avg, Odd] = average(Scaledup, 0, 0),
  Diff = diff(Scaledup, 0, Avg, Odd ) / 100,

test() ->
  10.00 = thetrip([10.00, 20.00, 30.00]),
  11.99 = thetrip([15.00, 15.01, 3.00, 3.01]),
  14.39 = thetrip([15.00, 15.01, 3.00, 3.01, 3.01]),
  19.57 = thetrip([15.00, 15.01, 3.00, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05, 3.06, 3.07, 3.08]),

I really enjoyed getting my head around guard sequences and using local variables to space the code out.


Diego 2011-06-04 23:04:58

Hey, is this program working??
Do you have it in C??

Simeon 2011-06-06 08:11:50

Q1: Yes this program is correct, as it produces the same results as my C++ solution that passed the online judge. Also the code is doing the exact same thing as my C++ solution just in Erlang.

Q2: No not C but C++, very much C other than I use std::list, std::cin and std::cout instead of the CRT equivalents.

Manoj 2011-07-30 06:24:40

Hey i solved the problem but my code is getting rejected .I am getting the same values as you are but still its getting rejected.Shall I mail you my code?

Simeon 2011-07-30 16:27:36

Feel free to send me you code.

Simeon 2011-08-01 12:58:18

Here’s the other posts with hints I referred to in email.