I decided to spend the Labour Day long weekend to investigate the 1cm gap between the floor and wall that had appeared in our bedroom. With Harvey’s help we had a plan that this could be done over the Sunday and Monday, which coincided with his days off.
After removing the lament floor, the padding/insulating layer, and smoothing 3mm MDF layer, we found the problem. The floor was rotten. So we removed it.
Giving us this unwanted stuff:

And a nice spacious area to relax in:

After four hours was wasted traveling to all Christchurch’s hardware shops in search of imperial sized beams, we found them at the last place we looked (and could think of looking at). Two days later we have got the two beams replaced, and two joists in place. Thus giving the room this look.

Work was slowed, by finding the bottom wall beams were also partially rotten so they needed replacing before inserting of the joists. So it has turned into a very slow project. Luckily our bed fits in the alcove of the dinning room nicely.