I have Google Analytics running on this blog, and I think it’s fantastic. But, I’ve always found it on that on my 27th of August, it only shows up to the 25th. Other day I found the date range Timeline picker, but got very confused when I saw the same data for two days running.
It turned out that with the Timeline picker you can move to the 26th’s data. So I ended up see the effective data two days running
Today I noticed that on the default dates the graphs stop on the 25th data

But if you choose the 26th you some hint of the 27th’s data

But you cannot select the 27th

But you can change the URL and see into the future!

All you need to-do is change the URL value from pdr=20070801-20070826 to pdr=20070801-20070830. Tada!
So my question is why the funny default dates? Why on the default dates does it not show future data hints?