Windows Live Spaces got too Social

Dare recently posted about the great new social features that Windows Live Spaces has deployed. I think they are good features, the problem is Live Spaces has changed into a mini FaceBook (well I think I’ve not been there) or MySpaces to compete with that Gen Y crowd. But there was no options to not get these “upgrades” and the tool became more of what I didn’t want it.

My core problem is that the people in my Windows Live Messenger contact list are not the targets of my blogging at all. So all these new ways to interact with my WLM contacts added zero value, and a lot of screen clutter.

I already have a RSS feed reader that I love, and when the few of my WLM contacts update their blogs I know about it. All the contact auto management features seem like some form of Plaxo (that I’m not using any more). The friends lists seem to be some from of LinkedIn/FaceBook. Not interested.

Someone (in my feed list) was remarking about how the A-List blogger’s are behind the times (in regards to FaceBook etc) and not trying to A-List myself, but I think I’m even more behind the times, so much so I’m just plain not interested.

I think Jeff Atwood summed it up best when he said own your presence on the Internet (can’t find post) and that is what I want. I’m here, I’ve got stuff to contribute. It’s just here on my domain. It’s there to find via Google and that’s the way I like it. What’s more I am prepared to pay for that privilege of control.


Andrew 2007-08-06 18:04:46

Hey Simeon,

See this is the problem with any blog living in a social age. Blogs used to be semi-isolationist, now as people want them to grow bigger they get on board with social networking, blogging companies compete with other offerings that have a whole social suite.

Sure Live Spaces could have gone the way of the Livejournals and Xangas of the world, but they aren’t as sexy and lets face it where is the user base?

The way to get users, and therefore revenue is in the ads, is in the social context.

The biggest issue I have with this is it always feels bolted on to these sites. I especially am not fond of MySpace for this.

I think what you’ve done is what most people will end up doing - if you want a blog then you go to a blog specific site and hope, or get your own domain and control it.

And your spell check might have accidently replaced the word “seem” (ie seemed to be, seemed like) with “seam” (ie the seam of your trousers, seam in fabric).

Simeon 2007-08-06 19:19:42

Hey Andrew,
You seem 100% on the button. Not wanting to be another small cog in their advertising machine I moved on.
On the spelling front that would be 100% my mistake. Ether in the original writing or editing/spell checking (or lack of). Fixed now, cheers for the heads up.