Well the IS part of re-installing the operating system part has. Only took three goes. Something funny made it fail the first time. The second time my primary disk was named F: not C: so IS scripts didn’t work to well. Third time success!
Some of the things I’m doing differently this time. For starters I’m avoiding installing anything I can avoid.
One of those things was ScrewTurn Wiki, I had been running the Desktop Edition, and the team have been using it, so it’s now on the build machine, via IIS. Issues that needed solving:
- Repairing .Net Framework 2.0 after installing IIS 5.1 - MS KB555583
- Give <MachineName>\ASPNET modify privilege to the Wiki folder
Changed from using a cough borrowed version of CASE Studio 2 Lite to using the freeware Toad Data Modeler. Same program, same issues, but legit!
Plenty more tools I have not installed yet that I will have to, but the aim is to keep the machine fast and responsive as long as possible.