RSS Bandit display template

I have been really enjoying the playing with this reading. The way I read blogs is to mark each entry as read as I go, as I’m often reading one at a time as I’m waiting for thing to run at work. But for longer posts this gets really annoying long post, as I have to scroll up to the top of the post to click the little read icon.

If you click the icon in the headline view, it displays the post you have just finished reading.

So I spent some time today altering one of the templates to have an icon at the top and the bottom of each entry. The only bug bear at the moment is that they are not in-sync, but I can live with this.

Well I was going to post the .fdxsl file, but MSN Spaces says there was too much text.

The important part put this

<xsl:when  test="current()/fd:state[@read='1']">
<img  alt="Mark read or unread"  border="0"  usemap="{concat('#readstate', string(position()))}"  class="icon"  src="$IMAGEDIR$read.gif"  onclick="swapImage(this)" />
<xsl:when  test="current()/fd:state[@read='0']">
<img  alt="Mark read or unread"  border="0"  usemap="{concat('#readstate', string(position()))}"  class="icon"  src="$IMAGEDIR$unread.gif"  onclick="swapImage(this)" />

before the <div class="PostSignature"\> for each of the three display types.